Title : [A functional enigma: the musculotendon cholinesterase system]. [French] - Gerebtzoff_1986_Bull.Mem.Acad.R.Med.Belg_141_326 |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA , Duchesne PY |
Ref : Bulletin et Memoires de l Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique , 141 :326 , 1986 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gerebtzoff_1986_Bull.Mem.Acad.R.Med.Belg_141_326 |
PubMedID: 3801740 |
Title : [The stiff-man syndrome. Clinical, polygraphical and histoenzymological study (author's transl)]. [French] - |
Author(s) : Franck G , Cornette M , Grisar T , Moonen G , Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Acta Neurol Belg , 74 :221 , 1974 |
PubMedID: 4374001 |
Title : [Histochemical analysis of nodal structures at the axonal bifurcation in the spinal ganglion]. [French] - |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de Ses Filiales , 165 :198 , 1971 |
PubMedID: 4257743 |
Title : [Anatomy and histoenzymology of the thalamus] - |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Acta Neurol Belg , 70 :683 , 1970 |
PubMedID: 4998417 |
Title : [Comparative histochemical study of metabolic potentiation of neurons and glia in ventral nerve chain of the leech Hirudo medicinalis]. [French] - |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Arch Int Physiol Biochim , 77 :532 , 1969 |
PubMedID: 4186935 |
Title : [On the development of locus ceruleus. 2. Histoenzymatic study]. [French] - |
Author(s) : Maeda T , Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Acta NeurologicaPsychiatrica Belgica , 69 :11 , 1969 |
PubMedID: 4987410 |
Title : Affinity for metallic salts and acetylcholinesterase activity at Ranvier nodes - |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA , Mladenov S |
Ref : Acta Histochemica , 26 :318 , 1967 |
PubMedID: 4173607 |
Title : Localization de l'acetylcholinesterase, et des mediateurs diphenoliques dans la retine - |
Author(s) : Leplat G , Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Ann Ocul (Paris) , 189 :121 , 1956 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Recherches histochimiques sur les acetylcholine et choline esterases. 1. Introduction et technique - |
Author(s) : Gerebtzoff MA |
Ref : Acta Anatomica (Basel) , 19 :366 , 1953 |
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