Ghedira J

References (3)

Title : Monitoring pollution in Tunisian coasts using a scale of classification based on biochemical markers in worms Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor - Bouraoui_2010_Environ.Monit.Assess_164_691
Author(s) : Bouraoui Z , Banni M , Chouba L , Ghedira J , Clerandeau C , Jebali J , Narbonne JF , Boussetta H
Ref : Environ Monit Assess , 164 :691 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bouraoui_2010_Environ.Monit.Assess_164_691
PubMedID: 19404756

Title : Evaluation of enzymatic biomarkers and lipoperoxidation level in Hediste diversicolor exposed to copper and benzo[a]pyrene - Bouraoui_2009_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_72_1893
Author(s) : Bouraoui Z , Banni M , Ghedira J , Clerandeau C , Narbonne JF , Boussetta H
Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 72 :1893 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bouraoui_2009_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_72_1893
PubMedID: 19501399

Title : Acute effects of chlorpyryphos-ethyl and secondary treated effluents on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities in Carcinus maenas - Ghedira_2009_J.Environ.Sci.(China)_21_1467
Author(s) : Ghedira J , Jebali J , Bouraoui Z , Banni M , Chouba L , Boussetta H
Ref : J Environ Sci (China) , 21 :1467 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ghedira_2009_J.Environ.Sci.(China)_21_1467
PubMedID: 20000004