Girod R

References (9)

Title : Insecticide Resistance of Xenopsylla cheopis in Madagascar: Revision of Diagnostic Doses for Bioassay and Exploration of Biochemical Mechanisms - Raveloson_2024_Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg__
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Title : In the hunt for genomic markers of metabolic resistance to pyrethroids in the mosquito Aedes aegypti: An integrated next-generation sequencing approach - Faucon_2017_PLoS.Negl.Trop.Dis_11_e0005526
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aedae-q17b31

Title : Identifying genomic changes associated with insecticide resistance in the dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti by deep targeted sequencing - Faucon_2015_Genome.Res_25_1347
Author(s) : Faucon F , Dusfour I , Gaude T , Navratil V , Boyer F , Chandre F , Sirisopa P , Thanispong K , Juntarajumnong W , Poupardin R , Chareonviriyaphap T , Girod R , Corbel V , Reynaud S , David JP
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aedae-q17b31

Title : Mapping of presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors using fluorescence imaging of neuritic calcium - Girod_2003_J.Neurosci.Methods_122_109
Author(s) : Girod R , Jareb M , Moss J , Role LW
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Title : Long-lasting enhancement of glutamatergic synaptic transmission by acetylcholine contrasts with response adaptation after exposure to low-level nicotine - Girod_2001_J.Neurosci_21_5182
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Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 21 :5182 , 2001
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Title : Facilitation of glutamatergic neurotransmission by presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Girod_2000_Neuropharmacol_39_2715
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Title : Heteromeric complexes of alpha 5 and\/or alpha 7 subunits. Effects of calcium and potential role in nicotine-induced presynaptic facilitation - Girod_1999_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_868_578
Author(s) : Girod R , Crabtree G , Ernstrom G , Ramirez-Latorre J , McGehee DS , Turner J , Role LW
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Title : Spontaneous quantal transmitter secretion from myocytes and fibroblasts: comparison with neuronal secretion - Girod_1995_J.Neurosci_15_2826
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Title : Pulsatile release of acetylcholine by nerve terminals (synaptosomes) isolated from Torpedo electric organ - Girod_1992_J.Physiol_450_325
Author(s) : Girod R , Eder-Colli L , Medilanski J , Dunant Y , Tabti N , Poo MM
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PubMedSearch : Girod_1992_J.Physiol_450_325
PubMedID: 1432711