Glukhen'kii BT

References (17)

Title : [Clinical forms of atopic neurodermatitis] - Glukhen'kii_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__37
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Grando SA
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :37 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Glukhen'kii_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__37
PubMedID: 2202168

Title : [The pathophysiological disorders and experimental therapy in pemphigus and pemphigoid] - Grando_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__4
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Barabash TM , Zaslavskii LI , Cherniavskii AI
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :4 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grando_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__4
PubMedID: 2288153

Title : [The role of kallikrein-kinin system components in the pathogenesis of bullous skin lesions in pemphigus and pemphigoid] - Grando_1990_Vopr.Med.Khim_36_23
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Kostromin AP , Boiko I , Kutsenko NS , Korostash TA
Ref : Vopr Med Khim , 36 :23 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grando_1990_Vopr.Med.Khim_36_23
PubMedID: 2188426

Title : [Modeling of pemphigus vulgaris in guinea pigs] - Grando_1990_Biull.Eksp.Biol.Med_109_604
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Kutsenko NS , Lastovetskaia GI , Boiko I , Barabash TM , Cherniavskii AI
Ref : Biulleten Eksperimentalnoi Biologii i Meditsiny , 109 :604 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grando_1990_Biull.Eksp.Biol.Med_109_604
PubMedID: 1697770

Title : [The ultrastructural changes in the clinically unaffected skin of patients with pemphigus vulgaris] - Grando_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__11
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Stupina AS , Terman AK
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :11 , 1990
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grando_1990_Vestn.Dermatol.Venerol__11
PubMedID: 2256373

Title : [The role of cellular immune reactions in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris] -
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Drannik GN , Kostromin AP
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :14 , 1988
PubMedID: 3176656

Title : [Effect of glucocorticoid therapy on the function of the endocrine glands in patients with autoimmune skin diseases] -
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Kutsenko NS , Lastovetskaia GI , Boiko I
Ref : Vrach Delo , :86 , 1988
PubMedID: 3206893

Title : [Mechanisms of therapeutic effect of extracorporeal detoxication in autoimmune bullous dermatoses] -
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Romanenko AB , Chaiun OA , Dolia SV
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :6 , 1988
PubMedID: 3064487

Title : [Determination of cyclic nucleotides in immunocompetent cells in autoimmune skin lesions] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Grando SA , Kostromin AP , Korostash TA
Ref : Vrach Delo , :103 , 1987
PubMedID: 3500541

Title : [Immunopathological aspects of autoimmune bullous dermatoses] -
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Kutsenko NS , Kostromin AP , Demidov SV
Ref : Vrach Delo , :94 , 1987
PubMedID: 3321707

Title : [Role of endogenous proteinases and their inhibitors in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris] -
Author(s) : Grando SA , Glukhen'kii BT , Romanenko AB
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :4 , 1987
PubMedID: 3318208

Title : [Functional activity of the hypophysis, the adrenal cortex and the pancreas in patients with vesicular dermatoses during combination immunosuppressive therapy] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Sivachenko TP , Grando SA , Potsybina VV , Makarov AV
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :51 , 1986
PubMedID: 3544585

Title : [Suppression of the activity of biologically active substances for the relief of itching in atopic dermatitis] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Grando SA
Ref : Sov Med , :115 , 1985
PubMedID: 2416064

Title : [Use of proteinase inhibitors on patients with different clinico-morphological forms of atopic dermatitis] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Grando SA
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :53 , 1985
PubMedID: 3844890

Title : [Results of using short-term fasting in the treatment of eczema and neurodermatitis] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Bogdanovich SN , Grando SA
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :51 , 1984
PubMedID: 6702295

Title : [Combined examination and treatment of neurodermatitis patients] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Kaliuzhnaia LD , Boiko I , Grando SA , Glukhen'kaia AB
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :20 , 1984
PubMedID: 6382859

Title : [Components of the kallikrein-kinin system in atopic dermatitis] -
Author(s) : Glukhen'kii BT , Grando SA
Ref : Vestn Dermatol Venerol , :10 , 1982
PubMedID: 6922666