Gomez-Martin A

References (3)

Title : Activity and determinants of cholinesterases and paraoxonase-1 in blood of workers exposed to non-cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides - Lozano-Paniagua_2016_Chem.Biol.Interact_259_160
Author(s) : Lozano-Paniagua D , Gomez-Martin A , Gil F , Parron T , Alarcon R , Requena M , Lacasana M , Hernandez AF
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 259 :160 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lozano-Paniagua_2016_Chem.Biol.Interact_259_160
PubMedID: 27062891

Title : Polymorphisms of pesticide-metabolizing genes in children living in intensive farming communities - Gomez-Martin_2015_Chemosphere_139_534
Author(s) : Gomez-Martin A , Hernandez AF , Martinez-Gonzalez LJ , Gonzalez-Alzaga B , Rodriguez-Barranco M , Lopez-Flores I , Aguilar-Garduno C , Lacasana M
Ref : Chemosphere , 139 :534 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gomez-Martin_2015_Chemosphere_139_534
PubMedID: 26318115

Title : Increased N7-methyldeoxyguanosine DNA adducts after occupational exposure to pesticides and influence of genetic polymorphisms of paraoxonase-1 and glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 - Gomez-Martin_2015_Environ.Mol.Mutagen_56_437
Author(s) : Gomez-Martin A , Altakroni B , Lozano-Paniagua D , Margison GP , de Vocht F , Povey AC , Hernandez AF
Ref : Environmental & Molecular Mutagenesis , 56 :437 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gomez-Martin_2015_Environ.Mol.Mutagen_56_437
PubMedID: 25427726