Title : Neuroactive molecules and growth factors modulate cytoskeletal protein expression during astroglial cell proliferation and differentiation in culture - Bramanti_2016_J.Neurosci.Res_94_90 |
Author(s) : Bramanti V , Grasso S , Tibullo D , Giallongo C , Pappa R , Brundo MV , Tomassoni D , Viola M , Amenta F , Avola R |
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Research , 94 :90 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bramanti_2016_J.Neurosci.Res_94_90 |
PubMedID: 26469526 |
Title : Effect of lipoic acid and alpha-glyceryl-phosphoryl-choline on astroglial cell proliferation and differentiation in primary culture - Grasso_2014_J.Neurosci.Res_92_86 |
Author(s) : Grasso S , Bramanti V , Tomassoni D , Bronzi D , Malfa G , Traini E , Napoli M , Renis M , Amenta F , Avola R |
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience Research , 92 :86 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Grasso_2014_J.Neurosci.Res_92_86 |
PubMedID: 24166560 |
Title : Cholinergic precursors modulate the expression of heme oxigenase-1, p21 during astroglial cell proliferation and differentiation in culture - Bramanti_2012_Neurochem.Res_37_2795 |
Author(s) : Bramanti V , Tomassoni D , Grasso S , Bronzi D , Napoli M , Campisi A , Li Volti G , Ientile R , Amenta F , Avola R |
Ref : Neurochem Res , 37 :2795 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bramanti_2012_Neurochem.Res_37_2795 |
PubMedID: 22956150 |