Greitbauer O

References (1)

Title : Enzymatic Degradation of Zearalenone in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Pigs, Chickens, and Rainbow Trout - Gruber-Dorninger_2023_Toxins.(Basel)_15_
Author(s) : Gruber-Dorninger C , Killinger M , Hobartner-Gussl A , Rosen R , Doupovec B , Aleschko M , Schwartz-Zimmermann H , Greitbauer O , Markovic Z , Stankovic M , Schondorfer K , Vukmirovic D , Wein S , Schatzmayr D
Ref : Toxins (Basel) , 15 : , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gruber-Dorninger_2023_Toxins.(Basel)_15_
PubMedID: 36668868