Guimaraes A

References (2)

Title : Association of lipoprotein lipase D9N polymorphism with myocardial infarction in type 2 diabetes: the genetics, outcomes, and lipids in type 2 diabetes (GOLD) study - Izar_2009_Atherosclerosis_204_165
Author(s) : Izar MC , Helfenstein T , Ihara SS , Relvas WG , Santos AO , Fischer SC , Pinto LE , Lopes IE , Pomaro DR , Fonseca MI , Bodanese LC , Moriguchi EH , Saraiva JF , Introcaso L , Souza AD , Scartezini M , Torres KP , Zagury L , Jardim PC , Costa EA , Tacito LH , Forti A , Magalhaes ME , Chacra AR , Bertolami MC , Loures-Vale AA , Barros MA , Xavier HT , Lyra R , Argamanijan D , Guimaraes A , Novazzi JP , Kasinski N , Afiune A , Martinez TL , Santos RD , Nicolau JC , Cesar LA , Povoa RM , Carvalho AC , Han SW , Fonseca FA
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 204 :165 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Izar_2009_Atherosclerosis_204_165
PubMedID: 18823627
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL

Title : Clinicopathological and molecular characterization of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in the Portuguese population - Teixeira_2003_J.Neurol_250_661
Author(s) : Teixeira C , Guimaraes A , Bessa C , Ferreira MJ , Lopes L , Pinto E , Pinto R , Boustany RM , Sa Miranda MC , Ribeiro MG
Ref : Journal of Neurology , 250 :661 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Teixeira_2003_J.Neurol_250_661
PubMedID: 12796825
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PPT1