Title : Parathion poisoning and its treatment - |
Author(s) : Hayes WJ, Jr. |
Ref : J Am Med Assoc , 192 :49 , 1965 |
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Title : Toxicological studies of DDVP for disinsectation of aircraft - |
Author(s) : Rasmussen WA , Jensen JA , Stein WJ , Hayes WJ, Jr. |
Ref : Aerospace Medicine , 34 :593 , 1963 |
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Title : Organic phosphorus poisoning and its therapy - |
Author(s) : Durham WF , Hayes WJ, Jr. |
Ref : Archives of Environmental Health , 5 :21 , 1962 |
PubMedID: 13888658 |
Title : Studies on the toxicity of O,O-dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP) - |
Author(s) : Durham WF , Gaines TB , McCauley RH , Sedlak V , Mattson AM , Hayes WJ, Jr. |
Ref : AMA Arch Ind Health , 15 :340 , 1957 |
PubMedID: 13410153 |
Title : Cholinesterase response and symtomatology from exposure to organic phosphorus insecticides - |
Author(s) : Summerford WT , Hayes WJ, Jr. , Johnson JM , Walker K , Spillane J |
Ref : Archives of Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Medicine , 7 :383 , 1953 |
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