Howarth M

References (2)

Title : Quantum Dot Targeting with Lipoic Acid Ligase and HaloTag for Single-Molecule Imaging on Living Cells - Liu_2012_ACS.Nano_6_11080
Author(s) : Liu DS , Phipps WS , Loh KH , Howarth M , Ting AY
Ref : ACS Nano , 6 :11080 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Liu_2012_ACS.Nano_6_11080
PubMedID: 23181687

Title : A monovalent streptavidin with a single femtomolar biotin binding site - Howarth_2006_Nat.Methods_3_267
Author(s) : Howarth M , Chinnapen DJ , Gerrow K , Dorrestein PC , Grandy MR , Kelleher NL , El-Husseini A , Ting AY
Ref : Nat Methods , 3 :267 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Howarth_2006_Nat.Methods_3_267
PubMedID: 16554831