Iwasa K

References (4)

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Title : Myasthenia gravis: Predictive factors associated with the synchronized elevation of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody titer in Kanazawa, Japan - Iwasa_2014_J.Neuroimmunol_267_97
Author(s) : Iwasa K , Yoshikawa H , Samuraki M , Shinohara M , Hamaguchi T , Ono K , Nakamura H , Yamada M
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Title : Acetylcholinesterase activity, and neurofilament protein, and catecholamine synthesizing enzymes immunoreactivities in the mouse adrenal gland during postnatal development - Iwasa_1999_J.Vet.Med.Sci_61_621
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Title : Colocalization of gamma-aminobutyric acid immunoreactivity and acetylcholinesterase activity in nerve fibers of the mouse adrenal gland - Iwasa_1999_J.Vet.Med.Sci_61_631
Author(s) : Iwasa K , Oomori Y , Tanaka H
Ref : J Vet Med Sci , 61 :631 , 1999
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