Title : Interrogating the Spatiotemporal Landscape of Neuromodulatory GPCR Signaling by Real-Time Imaging of cAMP in Intact Neurons and Circuits - |
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Ref : Cell Rep , 24 :1081 , 2018 |
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Title : Age Influences the Synergy between Butyrylcholinesterase K Variant and Apolipoprotein E e4 in Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease - |
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Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :159 , 1998 |
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Title : Synergy between the genes for butyrylcholinesterase K variant and apolipoprotein E4 in late-onset confirmed Alzheimer's disease - Lehmann_1997_Hum.Mol.Genet_6_1933 |
Author(s) : Lehmann DJ , Johnston C , Smith AD |
Ref : Hum Mol Genet , 6 :1933 , 1997 |
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