Title : Poster: Positive allosteric modulation of the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor reverses chronic cognitive deficits after TBI - |
Author(s) : Titus DJ , Concepcion F , Johnstone T , Hogenkamp D , Gee KW , Atkins CM |
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 97 :635 , 2015 |
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Title : Poster: APN0417: A potent and efficacious alpha7 nAChR positive allosteric modulator - |
Author(s) : Dasse O , Bilcer G , David Putman D , Ng R , Gee KW , Stevens KE , Tran M , Johnstone T , Yoshimura RF , Koelsch G , Kelly TA |
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 97 :636 , 2015 |
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