Joniau I

References (1)

Title : The Phenotypic Spectrum of Patients with PHARC Syndrome Due to Variants in ABHD12: An Ophthalmic Perspective - Nguyen_2021_Genes.(Basel)_12_1404
Author(s) : Nguyen XT , Almushattat H , Strubbe I , Georgiou M , Li CHZ , van Schooneveld MJ , Joniau I , De Baere E , Florijn RJ , Bergen AA , Hoyng CB , Michaelides M , Leroy BP , Boon CJF
Ref : Genes (Basel) , 12 :1404 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nguyen_2021_Genes.(Basel)_12_1404
PubMedID: 34573385
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD12