Jovanovic B

References (1)

Title : Phytochemistry, Toxicology and Therapeutic Value of Petasites hybridus Subsp. Ochroleucus (Common Butterbur) from the Balkans - Mihajilov-Krstev_2020_Plants.(Basel)_9_
Author(s) : Mihajilov-Krstev T , Jovanovic B , Zlatkovic B , Matejic J , Vitorovic J , Cvetkovic V , Ilic B , Dordevic L , Jokovic N , Miladinovic D , Jaksic T , Stankovic N , Stankov Jovanovic V , Bernstein N
Ref : Plants (Basel) , 9 : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mihajilov-Krstev_2020_Plants.(Basel)_9_
PubMedID: 32486467