Kerdphoo S

References (3)

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Author(s) : Ongnok B , Khuanjing T , Chunchai T , Pantiya P , Kerdphoo S , Arunsak B , Nawara W , Jaiwongkam T , Apaijai N , Chattipakorn N , Chattipakorn SC
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Title : Donepezil attenuated cardiac ischemia\/reperfusion injury through balancing mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy, and autophagy - Khuanjing_2021_Transl.Res_230_82
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Title : Donepezil provides neuroprotective effects against brain injury and Alzheimer's pathology under conditions of cardiac ischemia\/reperfusion injury - Ongnok_2020_Biochim.Biophys.Acta.Mol.Basis.Dis__165975
Author(s) : Ongnok B , Khuanjing T , Chunchai T , Kerdphoo S , Jaiwongkam T , Chattipakorn N , Chattipakorn SC
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta Mol Basis Dis , :165975 , 2020
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