Knight GE

References (2)

Title : Alterations in purinergic and cholinergic components of contractile responses of isolated detrusor contraction in a rat model of partial bladder outlet obstruction - Banks_2006_BJU.Int_97_372
Author(s) : Banks FC , Knight GE , Calvert RC , Morgan RJ , Burnstock G
Ref : BJU Int , 97 :372 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Banks_2006_BJU.Int_97_372
PubMedID: 16430650

Title : The effect of pregnancy and the oestrus cycle on purinergic and cholinergic responses of the rat urinary bladder - Knight_2004_Neuropharmacol_46_1049
Author(s) : Knight GE , Burnstock G
Ref : Neuropharmacology , 46 :1049 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Knight_2004_Neuropharmacol_46_1049
PubMedID: 15081801