Knowles CO

References (6)

Title : Mechanisms conferring resistance of Western flower thrips to bendiocarb - Zhao_1995_Pest.Sci_44_293
Author(s) : Zhao G , Liu W , Knowles CO
Ref : Pest Sci , 44 :293 , 1995
Abstract :
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Title : Substrate Specificity and Inhibitor Sensitivity of Cholinesterases in Homogenates of Western Flower Thrips - Liu_1994_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_49_121
Author(s) : Liu W , Zhao GY , Knowles CO
Ref : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 49 :121 , 1994
Abstract :
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Title : Mechanisms Associated with Diazinon Resistance in Western Flower Thrips - Zhao_1994_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_49_13
Author(s) : Zhao GY , Liu W , Knowles CO
Ref : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 49 :13 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhao_1994_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_49_13

Title : Metabolism of oxamyl in mice and twospotted spider mites -
Author(s) : Chang KM , Knowles CO
Ref : Arch Environ Contam Toxicol , 8 :499 , 1979
PubMedID: 485217

Title : Properties of matrix supported acetylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Pennington SN , Brown HD , Patel AB , Knowles CO
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 167 :479 , 1968
PubMedID: 5729964

Title : Electrophoretic separation of fish brain esterases -
Author(s) : Knowles CO , Arurkar SK , Hogan JW
Ref : J Fish Res Bd Canada , 25 :1517 , 1968