Kocsis P

References (1)

Title : Vascular action as the primary mechanism of cognitive effects of cholinergic, CNS-acting drugs, a rat phMRI BOLD study - Kocsis_2014_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_34_995
Author(s) : Kocsis P , Gyertyan I , Eles J , Laszy J , Hegedus N , Gajari D , Deli L , Pozsgay Z , David S , Tihanyi K
Ref : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 34 :995 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kocsis_2014_J.Cereb.Blood.Flow.Metab_34_995
PubMedID: 24643080