Koekemoer LL

References (9)

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Author(s) : Rants'o TA , Koekemoer LL , Panayides JL , van Zyl RL
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Title : The in silico and in vitro analysis of donepezil derivatives for Anopheles acetylcholinesterase inhibition - Rants'o_2022_PLoS.One_17_e0277363
Author(s) : Rants'o TA , van Greunen DG , van der Westhuizen CJ , Riley DL , Panayides JL , Koekemoer LL , van Zyl RL
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Title : In vitro and in silico analysis of the Anopheles anticholinesterase activity of terpenoids - Rants'o_2022_Parasitol.Int_93_102713
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Title : Fine-scale spatial and temporal variations in insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes in rural south-eastern Tanzania - Matowo_2019_Parasit.Vectors_12_413
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Title : Malaria vectors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the mechanisms that confer insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus - Nardini_2017_Malar.J_16_448
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Title : Analysis of esterase enzyme activity in adults of the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus - Dahan-Moss_2016_Parasit.Vectors_9_110
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Ref : Parasit Vectors , 9 :110 , 2016
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Title : Microarray analysis of a pyrethroid resistant African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus, from southern Africa - Christian_2011_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_99_140
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Title : Characterisation of DDT, pyrethroid and carbamate resistance in Anopheles funestus from Obuasi, Ghana - Okoye_2008_Trans.R.Soc.Trop.Med.Hyg_102_591
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