Lagardere M

References (3)

Title : High-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging Combined With Computer Simulations to Quantitate Surface Dynamics and Nanoscale Organization of Neuroligin-1 at Synapses - Lagardere_2022_Front.Synaptic.Neurosci_14_835427
Author(s) : Lagardere M , Drouet A , Sainlos M , Thoumine O
Ref : Front Synaptic Neurosci , 14 :835427 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lagardere_2022_Front.Synaptic.Neurosci_14_835427
PubMedID: 35546899

Title : FluoSim: simulator of single molecule dynamics for fluorescence live-cell and super-resolution imaging of membrane proteins - Lagardere_2020_Sci.Rep_10_19954
Author(s) : Lagardere M , Chamma I , Bouilhol E , Nikolski M , Thoumine O
Ref : Sci Rep , 10 :19954 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lagardere_2020_Sci.Rep_10_19954
PubMedID: 33203884

Title : Optogenetic control of excitatory post-synaptic differentiation through neuroligin-1 tyrosine phosphorylation - Letellier_2020_Elife_9_
Author(s) : Letellier M , Lagardere M , Tessier B , Janovjak H , Thoumine O
Ref : Elife , 9 : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Letellier_2020_Elife_9_
PubMedID: 32324534