Laguerre L

References (1)

Title : The chimerical and multifaceted marine acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis: from photosymbiosis to brain regeneration - Bailly_2014_Front.Microbiol_5_498
Author(s) : Bailly X , Laguerre L , Correc G , Dupont S , Kurth T , Pfannkuchen A , Entzeroth R , Probert I , Vinogradov S , Lechauve C , Garet-Delmas MJ , Reichert H , Hartenstein V
Ref : Front Microbiol , 5 :498 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bailly_2014_Front.Microbiol_5_498
PubMedID: 25324833