Leighton FA

References (2)

Title : Secondary poisoning of eagles following intentional poisoning of coyotes with anticholinesterase pesticides in western Canada - Wobeser_2004_J.Wildl.Dis_40_163
Author(s) : Wobeser G , Bollinger T , Leighton FA , Blakley B , Mineau P
Ref : J Wildl Dis , 40 :163 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wobeser_2004_J.Wildl.Dis_40_163
PubMedID: 15362815

Title : Further studies of brain cholinesterase: cholinergic receptor ratios in the diagnosis of acute lethal poisoning of birds by anticholinesterase pesticides - Burn_1996_J.Wildlife.Dis_32_216
Author(s) : Burn JD , Leighton FA
Ref : Journal of Wildlife Diseases , 32 :216 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Burn_1996_J.Wildlife.Dis_32_216
PubMedID: 8722258