Leroy MC

References (1)

Title : [Quality control of labile blood products. Why and howto properly take a specimen? Labile Blood Products Group of the French Blood Transfusion Society] - Begue_1999_Transfus.Clin.Biol_6_403
Author(s) : Begue S , Vidal-Obert M , Girard A , Perrault MP , Leroy MC , Masse M , Royer D , Peyrard T , Assens C , David C , Day B , Arzur C , Boudib C
Ref : Transfus Clin Biol , 6 :403 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Begue_1999_Transfus.Clin.Biol_6_403
PubMedID: 10666798