Liberti EA

References (8)

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Title : Effects of perinatal protein deprivation and recovery on esophageal myenteric plexus - Greggio_2010_World.J.Gastroenterol_16_563
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Title : Morphological and quantitative study of ganglionated plexus of Calomys callosus trachea - Furlani_2008_Auton.Neurosci_144_30
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Title : Effects of combined pre- and post-natal protein deprivation on the myenteric plexus of the esophagus of weanling rats: a histochemical, quantitative and ultrastructural study - Liberti_2007_World.J.Gastroenterol_13_3598
Author(s) : Liberti EA , Fontes RB , Fuggi VM , Maifrino LB , Souza RR
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Title : Effects of pre- and postnatal protein deprivation and postnatal refeeding on myenteric neurons of the rat small intestine: a quantitative morphological study - Gomes_2006_Auton.Neurosci_126-127_277
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Title : Morphometry and acetylcholinesterase activity of the myenteric neurons of the mouse colon in the chronic phase of experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection - Maifrino_1999_Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg_60_721
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Title : Studies on the intrinsic nervous system of the wild rodent Calomys callosus digestive tract. II. The submucous plexus - Souza_1998_Braz.J.Med.Biol.Res_31_647
Author(s) : Souza NB , Liberti EA , De-Souza RR
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