Lopez-Huerta VG

References (3)

Title : Diverse Short-Term Dynamics of Inhibitory Synapses Converging on Striatal Projection Neurons: Differential Changes in a Rodent Model of Parkinson's Disease - Barroso-Flores_2015_Neural.Plast_2015_573543
Author(s) : Barroso-Flores J , Herrera-Valdez MA , Lopez-Huerta VG , Galarraga E , Bargas J
Ref : Neural Plast , 2015 :573543 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Barroso-Flores_2015_Neural.Plast_2015_573543
PubMedID: 26167304

Title : The balance of striatal feedback transmission is disrupted in a model of parkinsonism - Lopez-Huerta_2013_J.Neurosci_33_4964
Author(s) : Lopez-Huerta VG , Carrillo-Reid L , Galarraga E , Tapia D , Fiordelisio T , Drucker-Colin R , Bargas J
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 33 :4964 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lopez-Huerta_2013_J.Neurosci_33_4964
PubMedID: 23486967

Title : Presynaptic modulation by somatostatin in the rat neostriatum is altered in a model of parkinsonism - Lopez-Huerta_2012_J.Neurophysiol_108_1032
Author(s) : Lopez-Huerta VG , Blanco-Hernandez E , Bargas J , Galarraga E
Ref : Journal of Neurophysiology , 108 :1032 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lopez-Huerta_2012_J.Neurophysiol_108_1032
PubMedID: 22623487