Lubinska L

References (8)

Title : Velocity and intensity of bidirectional migration of acetylcholinesterase in transected nerves -
Author(s) : Lubinska L , Niemierko S
Ref : Brain Research , 27 :329 , 1971

Title : Acetylcholinesterase at muscle-tendon jonctions during postnatal development in rats -
Author(s) : Lubinska L , Zelena J
Ref : Journal of Anatomy , 101 :295 , 1967

Title : Behaviour of acetylcholinesterase in isolated nerve segments -
Author(s) : Lubinska L , Niemierko S , Oderfeld-Nowak B , Szwarc L
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 11 :493 , 1964

Title : The distribution of acetylcholinesterase in peripheral nerves -
Author(s) : Lubinska L , Niemierko S , Oderffld B , Szwarc L , Oderfeld B
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 10 :25 , 1963

Title : Early changes of acetylcholinesterase activity near the lesion in crushed nerves -
Author(s) : Zelena J , Lubinska L
Ref : Physiol. Bohemoslov , 11 :261 , 1962

Title : Demyelination and remyelination in the proximal parts of regenerating nerve fibers -
Author(s) : Lubinska L
Ref : Journal of Comparative Neurology , 117 :275 , 1961

Title : Sedentary and migratory states of Schwann cells -
Author(s) : Lubinska L
Ref : Experimental Cell Research , 8 :74 , 1961

Title : Gradient of cholinesterase activity and of choline acetylase activity in nerve fibres -
Author(s) : Lubinska L , Niemierko S , Oderfeld B
Ref : Nature , 189 :122 , 1961