Luppi PH

References (10)

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Title : Monoaminergic, peptidergic, and cholinergic afferents to the cat facial nucleus as evidenced by a double immunostaining method with unconjugated cholera toxin as a retrograde tracer - Fort_1989_J.Comp.Neurol_283_285
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Title : Forebrain afferents to the cat posterior hypothalamus: a double labeling study - Yoshimoto_1989_Brain.Res.Bull_23_83
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Title : The nuclei of origin of monoaminergic, peptidergic, and cholinergic afferents to the cat nucleus reticularis magnocellularis: a double-labeling study with cholera toxin as a retrograde tracer - Luppi_1988_J.Comp.Neurol_277_1
Author(s) : Luppi PH , Sakai K , Fort P , Salvert D , Jouvet M
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