Title : A coiled-coil interaction mediates the formation of a ternary complex between dystrophin, dystrobrevin and kinesin heavy chain: Possible implications in the mechanisms of transport - |
Author(s) : Ceccarini M , Torreri P , Bernassola M , Macchia G , Macioce P , Petrucci TC |
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 99 :251 , 2006 |
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Title : beta-Dystrobrevin links to the neuronal protein kinase A signaling pathway by binding the PKA-RIalpha subunit - |
Author(s) : Macioce P , Grasso M , Veroni C , Gambara G , Bernassola M , Torreri P , Macchia G , Ramoni C , Ceccarini M , Petrucci TC |
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 99 :262 , 2006 |
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