Mahajan S

References (2)

Title : Evidence of a new metabolic capacity in an emerging diarrheal pathogen: lessons from the draft genomes of Vibrio fluvialis strains PG41 and I21563 - Khatri_2013_Gut.Pathog_5_20
Author(s) : Khatri I , Mahajan S , Dureja C , Subramanian S , Raychaudhuri S
Ref : Gut Pathog , 5 :20 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Khatri_2013_Gut.Pathog_5_20
PubMedID: 23895343
Gene_locus related to this paper: vibfl-s7jn27 , vibfl-s7jp13 , vibfl-s7hvp8 , vibfl-s7jsn3 , vibfl-s7jrv9

Title : Identification of variables and value optimization for optimum lipase production by Bacillus pumilus RK31 using statistical methodology - Kumar_2011_N.Biotechnol_28_65
Author(s) : Kumar R , Mahajan S , Kumar A , Singh D
Ref : N Biotechnol , 28 :65 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kumar_2011_N.Biotechnol_28_65
PubMedID: 20601261