Makhmutov VY

References (2)

Title : [Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of cholinesterase inhibition with neuromidin in the treatment of primary glaucoma patients] - Zakharova_2017_Vestn.Oftalmol_133_22
Author(s) : Zakharova IA , Avdeev RV , Pristavka VA , Surnin SN , Makhmutov VY , Savrasova, II
Ref : Vestn Oftalmol , 133 :22 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zakharova_2017_Vestn.Oftalmol_133_22
PubMedID: 28524136

Title : [Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of cholinesterase inhibition with neuromidin in the treatment of primary glaucoma patients] - Zakharova_2017_Vestn.Oftalmol_133_22
Author(s) : Zakharova IA , Avdeev RV , Pristavka VA , Surnin SN , Makhmutov VY , Savrasova, II
Ref : Vestn Oftalmol , 133 :22 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zakharova_2017_Vestn.Oftalmol_133_22
PubMedID: 28524136