Title : Oxidative damage in lymphocytes of copper smelter workers correlated to higher levels of excreted arsenic - Escobar_2010_Mediators.Inflamm_2010_403830 |
Author(s) :
Escobar J , Varela-Nallar L , Coddou C , Nelson P , Maisey K , Valdes D , Aspee A , Espinosa V , Rozas C , Montoya M , Mandiola C , Rodriguez FE , Acuna-Castillo C , Escobar A , Fernandez R , Diaz H , Sandoval M , Imarai M , Rios M |
Ref :
Mediators Inflamm , 2010 :403830 , 2010 |
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Escobar_2010_Mediators.Inflamm_2010_403830 |
PubMedID: 21253489 |