Martinez-Morcillo S

References (4)

Title : Evaluating the chronic effect of two varroacides using multiple biomarkers and an integrated biological response index - Benito-Murcia_2022_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol__103920
Author(s) : Benito-Murcia M , Botias C , Martin-Hernandez R , Higes M , Soler F , Perez-Lopez M , Miguez-Santiyan MP , Martinez-Morcillo S
Ref : Environ Toxicol Pharmacol , :103920 , 2022
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PubMedSearch : Benito-Murcia_2022_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol__103920
PubMedID: 35772611

Title : Presence of pharmaceutical compounds, levels of biochemical biomarkers in seafood tissues and risk assessment for human health: Results from a case study in North-Western Spain - Martinez-Morcillo_2020_Int.J.Hyg.Environ.Health_223_10
Author(s) : Martinez-Morcillo S , Rodriguez-Gil JL , Fernandez-Rubio J , Rodriguez-Mozaz S , Miguez-Santiyan MP , Valdes ME , Barcelo D , Valcarcel Y
Ref : Int J Hyg Environ Health , 223 :10 , 2020
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PubMedSearch : Martinez-Morcillo_2020_Int.J.Hyg.Environ.Health_223_10
PubMedID: 31706926

Title : Comparative study of esterase activities in different tissues of marine fish species Trachurus trachurus, Merluccius merluccius and Trisopterus luscus - Martinez-Morcillo_2019_Sci.Total.Environ_679_12
Author(s) : Martinez-Morcillo S , Perez-Lopez M , Miguez MP , Valcarcel Y , Soler F
Ref : Sci Total Environ , 679 :12 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez-Morcillo_2019_Sci.Total.Environ_679_12
PubMedID: 31078771

Title : The organophosphorus pesticide dimethoate decreases cell viability and induces changes in different biochemical parameters of rat pancreatic stellate cells - Martinez-Morcillo_2019_Toxicol.In.Vitro_54_89
Author(s) : Martinez-Morcillo S , Perez-Lopez M , Soler-Rodriguez F , Gonzalez A
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 54 :89 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez-Morcillo_2019_Toxicol.In.Vitro_54_89
PubMedID: 30243730