Mate L


Full name : Laszlo Mate

First name : Laszlo

Mail : Ministry of Foreign Affairs Galgoczy u. 50. B 1125 Budapest

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Country : Hungary

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Phone : (361) 2142829

Fax : (361)2142829

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References (1)

Title : Inhibition of multiple molecular forms of human brain acetylcholinesterase by different types of inhibitors - Bajgar_1989_Sb.Ved.Pr.Lek.Fak.Karlovy.Univerzity.Hradci.Kralove_32_425
Author(s) : Bajgar J , Mate L
Ref : Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univerzity Hradci Kralove , 32 :425 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bajgar_1989_Sb.Ved.Pr.Lek.Fak.Karlovy.Univerzity.Hradci.Kralove_32_425
PubMedID: 2637489