Mattanovich D

References (6)

Title : Customizing amino acid metabolism of Pichia pastoris for recombinant protein production - Russmayer_2023_Biotechnol.J__e2300033
Author(s) : Russmayer H , Buchetics M , Mattanovich M , Neubauer S , Steiger M , Graf AB , Koellensperger G , Hann S , Sauer M , Gasser B , Mattanovich D
Ref : Biotechnol J , :e2300033 , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Russmayer_2023_Biotechnol.J__e2300033
PubMedID: 37668396

Title : Disruption of vacuolar protein sorting components of the HOPS complex leads to enhanced secretion of recombinant proteins in Pichia pastoris - Marsalek_2019_Microb.Cell.Fact_18_119
Author(s) : Marsalek L , Puxbaum V , Buchetics M , Mattanovich D , Gasser B
Ref : Microb Cell Fact , 18 :119 , 2019
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Title : Disruption of genes involved in CORVET complex leads to enhanced secretion of heterologous carboxylesterase only in protease deficient Pichia pastoris - Marsalek_2017_Biotechnol.J_12_
Author(s) : Marsalek L , Gruber C , Altmann F , Aleschko M , Mattanovich D , Gasser B , Puxbaum V
Ref : Biotechnol J , 12 : , 2017
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Title : Curation of the genome annotation of Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) CBS7435 from gene level to protein function - Valli_2016_FEMS.Yeast.Res_16_
Author(s) : Valli M , Tatto NE , Peymann A , Gruber C , Landes N , Ekker H , Thallinger GG , Mattanovich D , Gasser B , Graf AB
Ref : FEMS Yeast Res , 16 : , 2016
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Gene_locus related to this paper: picpa-a0a1b2jh35

Title : Pichia pastoris Aft1 - a novel transcription factor, enhancing recombinant protein secretion - Ruth_2014_Microb.Cell.Fact_13_120
Author(s) : Ruth C , Buchetics M , Vidimce V , Kotz D , Naschberger S , Mattanovich D , Pichler H , Gasser B
Ref : Microb Cell Fact , 13 :120 , 2014
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Title : Genome sequence of the ruminal bacterium Megasphaera elsdenii - Marx_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5578
Author(s) : Marx H , Graf AB , Tatto NE , Thallinger GG , Mattanovich D , Sauer M
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :5578 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Marx_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5578
PubMedID: 21914887
Gene_locus related to this paper: megel-g0vri6