Mayser W

References (3)

Title : Na(+)-dependent high-affinity uptake of choline into cultured fibroblasts - Schloss_1994_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_199_1320
Author(s) : Schloss P , Mayser W , Niehuis A , Betz H
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 199 :1320 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schloss_1994_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_199_1320
PubMedID: 8147875

Title : Primary structure and functional expression of a choline transporter expressed in the rat nervous system - Mayser_1992_FEBS.Lett_305_31
Author(s) : Mayser W , Schloss P , Betz H
Ref : FEBS Letters , 305 :31 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mayser_1992_FEBS.Lett_305_31
PubMedID: 1633856

Title : Cross-linking of 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin to Drosophila head membranes identifies a 42 kDa toxin binding polypeptide - Schloss_1992_Neurosci.Lett_145_63
Author(s) : Schloss P , Mayser W , Gundelfinger ED , Betz H
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 145 :63 , 1992
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schloss_1992_Neurosci.Lett_145_63
PubMedID: 1461570