Mehta K

References (2)

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Author(s) : Mehta K , Magliano DJ , Carstensen B , Salim A , Morton JI , Abimanyi-Ochom J , Anstey KJ , Shaw JE , Sacre JW
Ref : Diabetes Res Clin Pract , :111795 , 2024
Abstract :
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Title : Feruloyl esterase Fae1 is required specifically for host colonisation by the rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae - Thaker_2021_Curr.Genet__
Author(s) : Thaker A , Mehta K , Patkar R
Ref : Curr Genet , : , 2021
Abstract :
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Gene_locus related to this paper: mago7-g4nfs4