Title : Deletion and acquisition of genomic content during early stage adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to a human host environment - Rau_2012_Environ.Microbiol_14_2200 |
Author(s) : Rau MH , Marvig RL , Ehrlich GD , Molin S , Jelsbak L |
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 14 :2200 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rau_2012_Environ.Microbiol_14_2200 |
PubMedID: 22672046 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: pseae-PA1558 , pseae-PA2927 , pseae-PA2949 , pseae-PA3695 , pseae-PA5080 , pseae-q9i252 |
Title : Secretion of Serratia liquefaciens phospholipase from Escherichia coli - Givskov_1993_Mol.Microbiol_8_229 |
Author(s) : Givskov M , Molin S |
Ref : Molecular Microbiology , 8 :229 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Givskov_1993_Mol.Microbiol_8_229 |
PubMedID: 8316077 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: serli-pa1 |
Title : Expression of extracellular phospholipase from Serratia liquefaciens is growth-phase-dependent, catabolite-repressed and regulated by anaerobiosis - Givskov_1992_Mol.Microbiol_6_1363 |
Author(s) : Givskov M , Molin S |
Ref : Molecular Microbiology , 6 :1363 , 1992 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Givskov_1992_Mol.Microbiol_6_1363 |
PubMedID: 1640837 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: serli-pa1 |
Title : Cloning and expression in Escherichia coli of the gene for extracellular phospholipase A1 from Serratia liquefaciens - Givskov_1988_J.Bacteriol_170_5855 |
Author(s) : Givskov M , Olsen L , Molin S |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 170 :5855 , 1988 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Givskov_1988_J.Bacteriol_170_5855 |
PubMedID: 3056919 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: serli-pa1 |