Moriguchi S

References (8)

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Title : Rivastigmine improves hippocampal neurogenesis and depression-like behaviors via 5-HT1A receptor stimulation in olfactory bulbectomized mice - Islam_2014_Neurosci_272_116
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Title : Galantamine enhancement of long-term potentiation is mediated by calcium\/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase C activation - Moriguchi_2009_Hippocampus_19_844
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Title : Decreased calcium\/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and protein kinase C activities mediate impairment of hippocampal long-term potentiation in the olfactory bulbectomized mice - Moriguchi_2006_J.Neurochem_97_22
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Title : Modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors by donepezil in rat cortical neurons - Moriguchi_2005_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_315_125
Author(s) : Moriguchi S , Zhao X , Marszalec W , Yeh JZ , Narahashi T
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Title : Mechanism of action of galantamine on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in rat cortical neurons - Moriguchi_2004_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_310_933
Author(s) : Moriguchi S , Marszalec W , Zhao X , Yeh JZ , Narahashi T
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 310 :933 , 2004
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Title : Mechanisms of action of cognitive enhancers on neuroreceptors - Narahashi_2004_Biol.Pharm.Bull_27_1701
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