Mukhtar MS

References (1)

Title : Dynamic evolution of pathogenicity revealed by sequencing and comparative genomics of 19 Pseudomonas syringae isolates - Baltrus_2011_PLoS.Pathog_7_e1002132
Author(s) : Baltrus DA , Nishimura MT , Romanchuk A , Chang JH , Mukhtar MS , Cherkis K , Roach J , Grant SR , Jones CD , Dangl JL
Ref : PLoS Pathog , 7 :e1002132 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Baltrus_2011_PLoS.Pathog_7_e1002132
PubMedID: 21799664
Gene_locus related to this paper: pse14-q48e33 , psesy-PIP , psesy-PSPTO1504 , psesy-PSPTO2005 , psesy-PSPTO4540 , pseu2-q4zn59 , pseu2-q4zwv7 , psesl-f3een4 , psesx-f3fs74 , psesj-f3g9c5 , psesx-f3h3z5 , pseym-f3hqa6 , pseap-f3ivd6 , psesx-f3jl26 , psesx-w0mwq4