Nonet ML

References (6)

Title : A gain-of-function mutation in adenylate cyclase confers isoflurane resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans - Saifee_2011_Anesthesiology_115_1162
Author(s) : Saifee O , Metz LB , Nonet ML , Crowder CM
Ref : Anesthesiology , 115 :1162 , 2011
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Title : Analysis of synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans using an aldicarb-sensitivity assay - Mahoney_2006_Nat.Protoc_1_1772
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Title : A retrograde signal is involved in activity-dependent remodeling at a C. elegans neuromuscular junction - Zhao_2000_Development_127_1253
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Title : Synaptic transmission deficits in Caenorhabditis elegans synaptobrevin mutants - Nonet_1998_J.Neurosci_18_70
Author(s) : Nonet ML , Saifee O , Zhao H , Rand JB , Wei L
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 18 :70 , 1998
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Title : The caenorhabditis elegans unc-64 locus encodes a syntaxin that interacts genetically with synaptobrevin - Saifee_1998_Mol.Biol.Cell_9_1235
Author(s) : Saifee O , Wei L , Nonet ML
Ref : Molecular Biology of the Cell , 9 :1235 , 1998
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Title : Caenorhabditis elegans rab-3 mutant synapses exhibit impaired function and are partially depleted of vesicles - Nonet_1997_J.Neurosci_17_8061
Author(s) : Nonet ML , Staunton JE , Kilgard MP , Fergestad T , Hartwieg E , Horvitz HR , Jorgensen EM , Meyer BJ
Ref : Journal of Neuroscience , 17 :8061 , 1997
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PubMedID: 9334382