Ojeda AM

References (4)

Title : Possible important pair of acidic residues in vesicular acetylcholine transporter - Khare_2010_Biochemistry_49_3049
Author(s) : Khare P , Ojeda AM , Chandrasekaran A , Parsons SM
Ref : Biochemistry , 49 :3049 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Khare_2010_Biochemistry_49_3049
PubMedID: 20225888

Title : Mutational and bioinformatics analysis of proline- and glycine-rich motifs in vesicular acetylcholine transporter - Chandrasekaran_2006_J.Neurochem_98_1551
Author(s) : Chandrasekaran A , Ojeda AM , Kolmakova NG , Parsons SM
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 98 :1551 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chandrasekaran_2006_J.Neurochem_98_1551
PubMedID: 16923166

Title : Acetylcholine binding site in the vesicular acetylcholine transporter - Ojeda_2004_Biochemistry_43_11163
Author(s) : Ojeda AM , Kolmakova NG , Parsons SM
Ref : Biochemistry , 43 :11163 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ojeda_2004_Biochemistry_43_11163
PubMedID: 15366926

Title : Equilibrium binding and transport studies -
Author(s) : Ojeda AM , Bravo DT , Hart TL , Parsons SM
Ref : Methods Mol Biol , 227 :155 , 2003
PubMedID: 12824649