Orhan G

References (2)

Title : An overview on natural cholinesterase inhibitors--a multi-targeted drug class--and their mass production - Orhan_2011_Mini.Rev.Med.Chem_11_836
Author(s) : Orhan IE , Orhan G , Gurkas E
Ref : Mini Rev Med Chem , 11 :836 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Orhan_2011_Mini.Rev.Med.Chem_11_836
PubMedID: 21762104

Title : Contemporary anticholinesterase pharmaceuticals of natural origin and their synthetic analogues for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease - Orhan_2009_Recent.Pat.CNS.Drug.Discov_4_43
Author(s) : Orhan G , Orhan I , Subutay-Oztekin N , Ak F , Sener B
Ref : Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov , 4 :43 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Orhan_2009_Recent.Pat.CNS.Drug.Discov_4_43
PubMedID: 19149713