Title : Binding of d-[dimethyl-14C]tubocurarine, acetylcholinesterase and proteolipids in subcellular membranes of cerebral cortex of the developing rat - |
Author(s) : Gomez CJ , Pasquini JM , Soto EF , De Robertis E |
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 17 :1485 , 1970 |
PubMedID: 5471910 |
Title : Isolation and chemical nature of the receptor for d-tubocurarine in nerve-ending membranes of the cerebral cortex - |
Author(s) : De Robertis E , Fiszer S , Pasquini JM , Soto EF |
Ref : Journal of Neurobiology , 1 :41 , 1969 |
PubMedID: 4334644 |