Title : Methamidophos, an Organophosphorus Insecticide, Induces Pro-aggressive Behaviour in Mice - do Nascimento_2017_Neurotox.Res_32_398 |
Author(s) : do Nascimento CP , Maretto GX , Marques GLM , Passamani LM , Abdala AP , Schenberg LC , Beijamini V , Sampaio KN |
Ref : Neurotox Res , 32 :398 , 2017 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : do Nascimento_2017_Neurotox.Res_32_398 |
PubMedID: 28540662 |
Title : Acute exposure to the insecticide O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate (methamidophos) leads to impairment of cardiovascular reflexes in rats - Maretto_2012_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_80_203 |
Author(s) : Maretto GX , do Nascimento CP , Passamani LM , Schenberg LC , de Andrade TU , Figueiredo SG , Mauad H , Sampaio KN |
Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 80 :203 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Maretto_2012_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_80_203 |
PubMedID: 22464589 |