Paul CA

References (4)

Title : Development of encapsulated peppermint essential oil in chitosan nanoparticles: characterization and biological efficacy against stored-grain pest control - Rajkumar_2020_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_170_104679
Author(s) : Rajkumar V , Gunasekaran C , Paul CA , Dharmaraj J
Ref : Pestic Biochem Physiol , 170 :104679 , 2020
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Title : Toxicity, antifeedant and biochemical efficacy of Mentha piperita L. essential oil and their major constituents against stored grain pest - Rajkumar_2019_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_156_138
Author(s) : Rajkumar V , Gunasekaran C , Christy IK , Dharmaraj J , Chinnaraj P , Paul CA
Ref : Pestic Biochem Physiol , 156 :138 , 2019
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Title : Staining for acetylcholinesterase in brain sections - Paul_2010_Cold.Spring.Harb.Protoc_2010_pdb prot4806
Author(s) : Paul CA , Beltz B , Berger-Sweeney J
Ref : Cold Spring Harb Protoc , 2010 :pdb prot4806 , 2010
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Title : Effects of carbon dioxide-induced anesthesia on cholinergic parameters in rat brain - Berger-Sweeney_1994_Lab.Animal.Sci_44_369
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