Pauletto P

References (1)

Title : Common hepatic lipase gene promoter variant predicts the degree of neointima formation after carotid endarterectomy: impact of plaque composition and lipoprotein phenotype - Zambon_2006_Atherosclerosis_185_121
Author(s) : Zambon A , Puato M , Faggin E , Bertocco S , Vitturi N , Polentarutti V , Deriu GP , Grego F , Bertipaglia B , Rattazzi M , Vianello D , Deeb SS , Pauletto P
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 185 :121 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zambon_2006_Atherosclerosis_185_121
PubMedID: 16005462