Peporine Lopes N

References (1)

Title : Evaluation of the Intestinal Absorption Mechanism of Casearin X in Caco-2 Cells with Modified Carboxylesterase Activity - Moreira da Silva_2016_J.Nat.Prod_79_1084
Author(s) : Moreira da Silva R , Verjee S , de Gaitani CM , Moraes de Oliveira AR , Pires Bueno PC , Cavalheiro AJ , Peporine Lopes N , Butterweck V
Ref : Journal of Natural Products , 79 :1084 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Moreira da Silva_2016_J.Nat.Prod_79_1084
PubMedID: 26990770