Pesaresi G

References (1)

Title : Absence of coding mutations in the X-linked genes neuroligin 3 and neuroligin 4 in individuals with autism from the IMGSAC collection - Blasi_2006_Am.J.Med.Genet.B.Neuropsychiatr.Genet_141B_220
Author(s) : Blasi F , Bacchelli E , Pesaresi G , Carone S , Bailey AJ , Maestrini E
Ref : American Journal of Medicine Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet , 141B :220 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Blasi_2006_Am.J.Med.Genet.B.Neuropsychiatr.Genet_141B_220
PubMedID: 16508939