Pillon D

References (5)

Title : [Insecticidal and fungicidal activities of new phosphorylated derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinolines] -
Author(s) : Cheymol J , Chabrier P , Thuong NT , Thizy A , Demozay D , Pillon D
Ref : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences D: Sciences Naturelles , 285 :587 , 1977
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Title : [New organophosphorous fungicides active against rice piriculariosis] -
Author(s) : Cheymol J , Chabrier P , Thuong NT , Debourge JC , Pillon D , Thizy A
Ref : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences D: Sciences Naturelles , 281 :1521 , 1975
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Title : [New molluscocid organophosphorous compounds] - Cheymol_1975_C.R.Acad.Sci.Hebd.Seances.Acad.Sci.D_281_1633
Author(s) : Cheymol J , Chabrier P , Thuong NT , Thizy A , Demozay D , Pillon D
Ref : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences D: Sciences Naturelles , 281 :1633 , 1975
Abstract :
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Title : [Comparative toxicities (Mammals, Insects, Arachnida) of new S,S-dimethyl S-benzyl substituted derivatives of tri-and tetrathiophosphoric acids] -
Author(s) : Cheymol J , Chabrier P , Nguyen Thanh T , Thizy A , Demozay D , Pillon D
Ref : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences D: Sciences Naturelles , 264 :2597 , 1967
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Title : [Comparative toxicity (mammals, insects, acarids) of new S-substituted derivatives of S,S-dimethylphosphoric and thiophosphoric acids] -
Author(s) : Cheymol J , Chabrier P , Thanh TN , Thizy A , Demozay D , Pillon D
Ref : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences D: Sciences Naturelles , 265 :291 , 1967
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